
Institute of Law for Science and
Technology, NTHU


【學生優良表現】賀!本所108級乙組王芳華與美國喬治城大學Prof. Jennifer Hillman 合著專書出版

賀!本所108級乙組王芳華與美國喬治城大學Prof. Jennifer Hillman 合著專書出版

本所108級乙組王芳華與美國喬治城大學(Georgetown Universoty Law Center ) Prof. Jennifer Hillman 合著國際經貿與氣候變遷專書 Using Trade Tool to Flight Climate Change,順利出版,並於今年九月二十一日於美國喬治城大學國際經貿與發展中心舉行發表會,王同學於發表會與談關於國際貨品貿易之碳排放計算之國際標準。
Prof. Jennifer Hillman 曾擔任多年的WTO上訴機構法官,更曾在美國國際貿易委員會(USITC) 服務,現於美國喬治城大學法學院國際經貿與發展中心擔任所長。

本書受到世界貿易組織(WTO )秘書長
Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala的背書:
” The climate crisis is one of the defining issues of our time, and one for which trade and trade policies ought to be part of the solution. Using Trade Tools to Fight Climate Change could not come at a better time, all the more so as it brings some young and fresh perspectives to examine different ways in which trade can be a force for good and a key driver to achieving the low-carbon economy, climate resilience, and just transition that our world so urgently needs.“

亞馬遜購書連結 https://www.amazon.com/Using-Trade-Tools-Climate-Change/dp/B0CFCJ69HY/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?nodl=1&_encoding=UTF8&qid=1693491168&sr=8-1&dplnkId=891ff2f3-4c5a-4dfe-a605-1a3d4ef7a2ba