
Institute of Law for Science and
Technology, NTHU




  • 聯絡電話: 03-5715131 #42428
  • 電子信箱:sypeng@mx.nthu.edu.tw
  • 最高學歷:美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜校區法學博士
  • 個人網站:網站連結
  • 開授課程:國際經貿法、資訊通訊法律、英美契約法、數位貿易與數據治理
  • 研究領域:國際經濟法(International Economic Law)、資訊通訊法(Info-Communications Law)、數位貿易與數據治理(Digital Trade and Data Governance)


彭心儀教授為美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜校區法學博士,擁有紐約州律師資格。在返國任教前,曾於美國華盛頓州 George, Hull, Porter & Kohli 法律事務所工作,並於美國威斯康辛大學法學院開授課程。返國後即服務於本所,並於2007年至2012年擔任本所所長。彭教授於2012年至2016年由本校借調至行政院國家通訊傳播委員會擔任委員,歸建後自2016年至2019年擔任本校科技管理學院副院長。彭教授專精於國際經濟法、資通訊法律、數位貿易及數據治理,在頂尖期刊發表諸多論文,曾獲得清華大學新進人員研究獎(2003)、國科會吳大猷先生紀念獎(2005)、國科會傑出研究獎(2010)、清華大學厚德會傑出研究獎 (2019)、科技部傑出研究獎 (2020) 等學術榮譽。彭教授曾於美國喬治城大學法學院擔任訪問研究員,並受邀至荷蘭馬斯垂克大學法律學院擔任客座教授並開授短期課程,且曾獲選擔任國際經濟法學會(The Society of International Economic Law, SIEL)副會長。自2020年起,彭教授獲聘為澳洲墨爾本大學法學院資深研究員並於該院開授國際經貿法律課程。彭教授目前擔任World Trade Review、Asia Pacific Law Review等國際知名期刊編輯,且被列入世界貿易組織(WTO)爭端解決小組成員建議名單、台星自由貿易協定仲裁人名單等。彭教授自2020年起獲聘為本校特聘教授,目前開設課程包括國際經貿法、英美契約法、資通訊法律、數位經濟與法律等。


  1. 國際經貿法 (International Economic Law)
  2. 數位經濟與法律(Digital Economy and Law)
  3. 資通訊法律專題研究 (Information and Communications Regulation)
  4. 數位貿易與數據治理 (Digital Trade and Data Governance)
  5. 英美契約法(Anglo-American Law of Contracts)


  • 科技部,中國資通訊貿易政策及其對國際經濟法秩序之影響,計畫主持人(2022-2025)
  • 科技部,數據驅動經濟下之貿易規則,計畫主持人(2020-2022)
  • 科技部,物聯網及網路型社會時代:臺灣面臨的重大產業、行為與法律議題(科技部「人文及社會科學標竿計畫」),計畫主持人(2017-2020)
  • 科技部,國際經濟法下之管制調和:以管制影響評估為核心,計畫主持人(2017-2019)
  • 科技部,巨量資料應用之資安管理:以資通訊服務為例,計畫主持人 (2016-2017)
  • 國科會,數位匯流應用發展政策法規研究,總計畫主持人 (2011-2013)
  • 國科會,數位匯流政策法規研究:以通訊傳播結構及行為管制相關議題為中心,子計畫主持人 (2011-2013)
  • 國立清華大學頂尖研究中心整合型計畫,綠能光電產業之經貿法制議題研究,子計畫主持人 (2012)
  • 國立清華大學主軸增能整合型研究計畫,東莞台商產業轉型之法律問題研析:以經貿法律及投資保障為核心,子計畫主持人 (2012)
  • 國科會,頻譜規劃配置與管理基礎研究,總計畫主持人 (2008-2011)
  • 國科會,頻率市場交易及拍賣機制之法制政策研究與法規修訂,子計畫主持人 (2008-2011)
  • 國家通訊傳播委員會,檢討我國無線電頻率使用費收費標準,計畫主持人 (2011)
  • 工研院,數位匯流下IPTV法規政策問題研究,計畫主持人 (2011)
  • 國立清華大學「發展國際一流大學及頂尖研究中心計畫」─「增能計畫」,WTO服務貿易法律問題研究,計畫主持人 (2008-2010)
  • 衛生署,99年度完備電子病歷法制研修案,計畫主持人 (2010-2011)
  • 工研院,行動多媒體服務之政策與法律問題研究,計畫主持人 (2010)
  • 研考會,獨立機關之研究 ,協同主持人 (2009)
  • 工研院/經濟部工業局,WiMAX產業推動之相關政策與法律問題研究IV:遠距醫療與照護之法律規範,子計畫主持人 (2009)
  • 研考會,從資通訊產業之整體發展需求檢討政府部門之設計與職掌劃分 ,協同主持人 (2009)
  • 中華電信公司,「網路中立」管制概念合理性之研究,計畫主持人 (2009)
  • 工研院,產業界參與頻譜規劃之研究:數位匯流下之頻譜需求與產業政策II,計畫主持人 (2009)
  • 工研院,Femtocell 之政策與法律問題研究,計畫主持人 (2009)
  • 工研院,產業界參與頻譜規劃之研究:數位匯流下之頻譜需求與產業政策I,計畫主持人 (2008)
  • 工研院, IPTV之法律爭議問題研究,計畫主持人 (2008)
  • 工研院/經濟部工業局,WiMAX產業推動之相關政策與法律問題研究III:無線通訊基地臺法律爭議問題研究,子計畫主持人 (2008)
  • 國科會,論WTO體制下之「司法積極主義」:理論反省與實證研究,計畫主持人 (2007-2009)
  • 國家通訊傳播委員會,規劃頻率拍賣、交易與回收制度之研究,計畫主持人 (2007)
  • 工研院/經濟部工業局,WiMAX產業推動之相關政策與法律問題研究II:發展通訊傳播內容產業之法制環境建構,子計畫主持人 (2007)
  • 國科會,WTO「公共道德」與「公共秩序」例外條款之研究,計畫主持人 (2006-2007)
  • 資策會,頻譜的分配與使用研究 ,協同主持人 (2006)
  • 文建會,「文化藝術獎助條例」修正案之研究與法條研擬 ,協同主持人 (2006)
  • 教育部,法學教育改革--蘇格拉底式創新教學方法試驗計畫,協同主持人 (2006)
  • 工研院/經濟部工業局,WiMAX產業推動之相關政策與法律問題研究I:行動台灣(M-Taiwan)法制環境建構之研究,子計畫主持人 (2006)
  • 國科會,WTO服務貿易爭端解決機制之研究,計畫主持人 (2005-2006)
  • 文建會,「文化多樣性公約」之制定及其影響之研究,協同主持人 (2005)
  • 國科會,服務貿易總協定之國民待遇原則,計畫主持人 (2004-2005)
  • 交通部電信總局,因應技術匯流發展相關法規之修訂研究,協同主持人 (2004)
  • 新聞局,我國修改WTO視聽服務業之電影製作、行銷與放映服務承諾之利弊評估,協同主持人 (2004)
  • 國貿局,我國電子商務交易爭端解決機制之建議,協同主持人 (2004)
  • 經建會,服務產業科技應用之個人隱私權保護相關法制之研究:以通訊傳播產業為中心,計畫諮詢顧問 (2004)
  • 國科會, 「依循先例原則」在WTO爭端解決體制下之定位與實踐,計畫主持人 (2003-2004)
  • 國科會/教育部,「隱私偏好平台對於網路隱私規範之轉變」,國立清華大學「大學學術追求卓越發展計畫--下一世代資訊通訊網路尖端技術及應用」,子計畫主持人 (2003-2004)
  • 國科會,「文化例外條款」在WTO/GATT-1994與WTO/GATS必要性與可行性,計畫主持人 (2002-2003)
  • 行政院公平交易委員會,知識型新興產業之公平交易規範,共同主持人 (2002)
  • 遠傳電信公司,我國加入WTO對於電信服務產業之影響,共同主持人 (2002)


  1. Shin-yi Peng (forthcoming), International Economic Law in the Era of Datafication, Cambridge International Trade and Economic Law Series, Cambridge University Press.

  2. Markus Krajewski, Panos Delimatsis and Shin-yi Peng (under contract), Agreements on Trade in Services: A Commentary, Oxford Commentaries on International Law Series, Oxford University Press.

  3. 彭心儀(著),2005.09,《WTO服務貿易與通訊科技法律》,元照出版社,389頁。


  1. Shin-yi Peng, Ching-Fu Lin and Thomas Streinz (eds), 2021.10, Artificial Intelligence and International Economic Law: Disruption, Regulation, and Reconfiguration, Cambridge University Press, UK.

  2. Shin-yi Peng, Han-wei Liu, Ching-fu Lin (eds), 2018.05, Governing Science and Technology under the International Economic Order: Regulatory Divergence and Convergence in the Age of Megaregionals, Edward Elgar, UK.

  3. 彭心儀(主編),2004.03,《資訊通信法律論文精選》,清華出版社,558頁。

  4. 彭心儀(主編),2002.12,《美國資訊通信法案例評析:1991-2002案例精選》,元照出版社,399頁。



  1. Shin-yi Peng, 2023.05, “Digital Economy and National Security: Contextualizing Cybersecurity-Related Exceptions” AJIL Unbound, Volume 117, 122-127.

  2. Shin-yi Peng, 2022.02, “The Uneasy Interplay between Digital Inequality and International Economic Law” European Journal of International Law, Volume 33, No. 1, 205-235. (SSCI)

  3. Shin-yi Peng, 2020.10, “A New Trade Regime for the Servitization of Manufacturing: Rethinking the Goods-Services Dichotomy” Journal of World Trade, Volume 54, Issue 5, 699-726. (SSCI)

  4. Shin-yi Peng, 2019.03, “The Rule of Law in Times of Technological Uncertainty: Is International Economic Law Ready for Emerging Supervisory Trends?” Journal of International Economic Law, Volume 22, Issue 1, 1-27. (SSCI)(本文獲選收錄於 Oxford University Press 之 2019 年最具影響力法學期刊論文系列 https://academic.oup.com/journals/pages/best-of-law )

  5. Shin-yi Peng, 2018.10, ““Private” Cybersecurity Standards? Cyberspace Governance, Multistakeholderism, and the (Ir)relevance of the TBT Regime” Cornell International Law Journal, Volume 51, Number 2, 445-469. (SSCI)

  6. Shin-yi Peng & Han-wei Liu, 2017.04, “The Legality of Data Residency Requirements - How Can the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Help?” Journal of World Trade, Volume 51, Issue 2, 183-204. (SSCI)

  7. Han-wei Liu & Shin-yi Peng, 2016.09, “Managing Trade Conflicts in the ICT Industry: A Case Study of EU-Greater China Area” Journal of International Economic Law, Volume 19, Issue 3, 629-656. (SSCI)

  8. Shin-yi Peng, 2016.02, “GATS and the Over-the-Top (OTT) Services: A Legal Outlook” Journal of World Trade, Volume 50, Issue 1, 21-46.(SSCI)

  9. Shin-yi Peng, 2015.06, “Cybersecurity Threats and the WTO National Security Exceptions” Journal of International Economic Law, Volume 18, Issue 2, 449-478. (SSCI)

  10. Shin-yi Peng, 2014.12, “Regulating New Services through Litigation?--Electronic Commerce as a Case Study on the Evaluation of “Judicial Activism” in the WTO” Journal of World Trade, Volume 48, Issue 6, 1189-1222. (SSCI)

  11. Shin-yi Peng, 2013, 10, “Is the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) a Stepping Stone for the Next Version of GATS?” Hong Kong Law Journal, Volume 43, Part 2, 611-632. (SSCI)

  12. Shin-yi Peng, 2012.05, “Renegotiate the WTO Commitments? --Technological Change and Treaty Interpretation” Cornell International Law Journal, Volume 45 Number 2, 403-430. (SSCI)

  13. Shin-yi Peng, 2010.10, “Taxing Innovation? --The Evolving Coverage of the Information Technology Agreement” Tax Lawyer, Volume 64, Issue 1, 79-96.

  14. Shin-yi Peng, 2009.08, “Liberalization of Trade in Television Services: The Negotiation Dilemma and Challenges for the Future” Journal of World Trade, Volume 43, Issue 4, 657-682. (SSCI)

  15. Shin-yi Peng, 2009.06, “Regulating Wireless Communications Towers: Taiwan's Experience in Comparative Perspective” Columbia Journal of Asian Law, Volume 22, Number 2, 258-280.

  16. Shin-yi Peng, 2008.05, “How Much Time is Reasonable? : The Arbitral Decisions under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU” Berkeley Journal of International Law, Volume 26, Issue 1, 323-351.

  17. Shin-yi Peng, 2008.01, “International Trade in “Cultural Products”: UNESCO’s Commitment to Promoting Cultural Diversity and its Relations with the WTO” International Trade and Business Law Review, Volume 11, 218-235.

  18. Shin-yi Peng, 2007.04, “Trade in Telecommunications Services: Doha and Beyond” Journal of World Trade, Volume 41, Issue 2, 293-318. (SSCI)

  19. Shin-yi Peng, 2006.12, “Multilateral Disciplines on Services Procurement: Architectural Challenges under GATS” The Journal of World Investment & Trade, Volume 7, Issue 6, 975-996.

  20. Shin-yi Peng & Benjamin Y. Li, 2006.05, “Facilitating Market Access for Taiwanese Lawyers in China” UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal, Volume 23, Issue 2, 172-194.

  21. Shin-yi Peng, 2006.03, “Towards Greater Mobility: Movement of Service Suppliers in East Asia” Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy, Volume 1, Issue 1, 105-140.

  22. Charles R. Irish & Shin-yi Peng, 2005.08, “The Personalities and Policies Affecting U.S. Trade with East and Southeast Asia: The Implications of the Trade Promotion Authority” International Trade and Business Law Review, Volume 9, 45-72.

  23. Shin-yi Peng, 2003.12, “Privacy and the Construction of Legal Meaning in Taiwan” International Lawyer, Volume 37, Issue 4, 1037-1054.

  24. Shin-yi Peng, 2003.12, “Universal Telecommunications Service in China: Trade Liberalization, Subsidy, and Technology in the Making of Information Equality in the Broadband Era” 4 Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal 21-49.

  25. Shin-yi Peng, 2000.09, “The WTO Legalistic Approach and East Asia: From the Legal Culture Perspective” 1 Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal 13-48.

  26. Shin-yi Peng, 1998.12, “Economic Relations between Taiwan and Southeast Asia: A Review of Taiwan’s “Go South” Policy” 16 Wisconsin International Law Journal 639-660.

  27. Shin-yi Peng, 1998.12, “Agricultural Trade in East Asia after the Uruguay Round” Occasional Papers Series of UW-EALSC 1-20.



  1. 彭心儀、段陶喻,2017.05 ,〈論「必載」之去管制與再管制〉,《月旦法學雜誌》,第264期,頁92-109。

  2. 彭心儀,2011.04,〈科技匯流與條約解釋—探討「服務業特定承諾」的時代性兼評WTO中國視聽服務案〉,《政大法學評論》,第120期,頁1-48。(TSSCI

  3. 彭心儀,2010.09,〈論頻譜「稀有資源」的管制原則〉,《台北大學法學論叢》,第75期,頁213-260。(TSSCI

  4. 彭心儀,2010.05,〈論無線通訊基地臺之資訊公開—兼評英國行政法院Sitefinder案判決《上》〉,《月旦法學雜誌》,第180期,頁150-159;〈論無線通訊基地臺之資訊公開—兼評英國行政法院Sitefinder案判決《下》〉,《月旦法學雜誌》,第181期,頁164-179。

  5. 彭心儀,2010.02,〈論服務貿易之「原產地規則」〉,《政大法學評論》,第113期,頁347-416。(TSSCI

  6. 彭心儀、溫令行,2010.02,〈論「電視機」在我國行政實務下之課稅爭議─由WTO「資訊科技產品爭端案」談起〉,《臺灣法學雜誌》,第145期,頁33-48。

  7. 彭心儀,2010.01,敬評石世豪教授「經濟效益、社會工程與政治過程:通訊傳播匯流立法的挑戰」,《法令月刊》,第61卷1期,頁20-22。

  8. 彭心儀、鄭嘉逸,2009.09,〈「濫發商業電子郵件管理條例」草案評析〉,《臺灣法學雜誌》,第135期,頁121-133。

  9. 彭心儀,2009.02,〈由「稀有性」論頻譜資源的管制規範〉(論文摘錄),《臺灣法學雜誌》,第122期,頁43-46, 64-68。

  10. 彭心儀,2007.06,〈全球化與多元價值—論WTO公共道德例外條款〉,《台大法學論叢》,第36卷2期,頁165-228。(TSSCI

  11. 彭心儀、陳俊榮,2007.05,〈對於通訊產業「技術中立」管制原則的反省與批判—以網路電話為核心〉,《月旦法學雜誌》,第151期,頁92-114。

  12. 彭心儀、吳俊幟,2007.05,〈天空中的土地?—頻率交易之法律問題初探〉,《臺灣本土法學雜誌》,第101期,頁5-26。

  13. 彭心儀、李萬明,2007.04,〈WTO爭端解決程序與開發中國家:論DSU第21.2條「特別注意」條款在第21.3條仲裁程序之適用問題〉,《經社法制論叢》,第40期,頁67-102。

  14. 彭心儀,2005.06,〈由美國禁止網路賭博爭端案論服務貿易市場開放及國民待遇之規範解釋與體系建構〉,《政大法學評論》,第85期,頁309-381。(TSSCI

  15. 彭心儀、黃渝清,2005.03,〈內國「裁量性質法規」在WTO架構下之定位〉,《月旦民商法雜誌》,第7期,頁5-24。

  16. 彭心儀,2004.08,〈論WTO爭端解決程序下之「法庭之友」介入問題〉,《政大法學評論》,第80期,頁291-344。(TSSCI

  17. 彭心儀,2004.08,〈由美墨電信爭端案論WTO電信服務貿易規範之現在與未來〉,《台灣科技法律與政策論叢》,第1卷第1期,頁5-52。

  18. 彭心儀,2004.07,〈視聽服務貿易自由化下之文化政策爭議〉,《台大法學論叢》,第33卷4期,頁37-100。(TSSCI

  19. 彭心儀,2004.02,〈以「第三國」參與WTO爭端解決程序之研究〉,《月旦法學雜誌》,第105期,頁144-161。

  20. 彭心儀、簡維克,2004.01,〈數位匯流下之管制架構初探—以互動電視為例〉,《萬國法律》,第133期,頁52-67。

  21. 彭心儀,2003.12,〈論WTO多邊架構下以特定服務部門為基礎之競爭規範:以GATS電信參考文件為核心〉,《政大法學評論》,第76期,頁307-366。(TSSCI

  22. 彭心儀、周慧蓮,2003.08,〈由「E化」到「M化」:論行動通信加值服務所衍生之新興法律問題〉,《萬國法律》,第131期,頁69-76。

  23. 彭心儀,2002.01,〈由資訊通信法制之發展趨勢論數位落差之消弭〉,《經社法制論叢》,第29期,頁259-299。

  24. 彭心儀,2001.08,〈評析WTO爭端解決小組對於「美國貿易法第三0一至三一0條款」案之報告〉,《進口救濟論叢》,第18期,頁93-131。


  1. Shin-yi Peng, forthcoming, “Levelling the Playing Field between Sharing Platforms and Industry Incumbents: Good Regulatory Practices?” in Anupam Chander and Haochen Sun (eds), Data Sovereignty Along the Digital Silk Road (Oxford University Press).

  2. Shin-yi Peng, forthcoming, “Cybersecurity and Trade Governance” in Julien Chaisse & Cristián Rodríguez-Chiffelle (eds), The Elgar Companion to the WTO. (Edward Elgar).

  3. Shin-yi Peng, Tsai-fang Chen and Yueh-Ping Yang, forthcoming, Taiwan, in Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer and Rodrigo Polanco (eds) Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law, Second Edition. (Edward Elgar)

  4. Shin-yi Peng, 2022.12, “Digital Trade”, in D. Bethlehem, D. McRae, R. Neufeld and I. Van Damme (eds) The Oxford Handbook of International Trade Law, Second Edition. (Oxford University Press) Chapter 29.

  5. Shin-yi Peng, 2021,10, “Autonomous Vehicle Standards under the TBT Agreement: Disrupting the Boundaries?” in Shin-yi Peng et al. (eds) Artificial Intelligence and International Economic Law: Disruption, Regulation, and Reconfiguration (Cambridge University Press, 2021) Chapter 6.

  6. Shin-yi Peng, Ching-Fu Lin and Thomas Streinz, 2021,10, “Artificial Intelligence and International Economic Law: : A Research and Policy Agenda” in Shin-yi Peng et al. (eds) Artificial Intelligence and International Economic Law (Cambridge University Press, 2021) Chapter 1.

  7. 彭心儀、余靜玟,2020.09,〈國際經濟法下之管制調和—從實證出發〉,收錄於:楊光華主編,《第二十屆國際經貿法學發展學術研討會論文集》,國立政治大學國際經貿組織暨法律研究中心學術叢書,頁261-316。

  8. Shin-yi Peng, 2019.09, “Determination of Reasonable Period of Time: Dispute Settlement System of the World Trade Organization (WTO)”, in Hélène Ruiz Fabri (eds) The Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law (MPEiPro) (Oxford University Press, 2019), 1-17.

  9. Shin-yi Peng, 2018.05, “Lessons from the TPP Regulatory Coherence Chapter: The Laws Governing Unsolicited Commercial Electronic Messages as a Case Study”, in Shin-yi Peng et al. (eds) Governing Science and Technology under the International Economic Order: Regulatory Divergence and Convergence in the Age of Megaregionals (Edward Elgar, 2018) Chapter 4, 64-89.

  10. Shin-yi Peng, Han-wei Liu, Ching-fu Lin, 2018.05, “Governing Science and Technology in the Era of Megaregionals”, in Shin-yi Peng et al. (eds) Governing Science and Technology under the International Economic Order: Regulatory Divergence and Convergence in the Age of Megaregionals (Edward Elgar, 2018) Chapter 1, 3-11.

  11. Shin-yi Peng, Han-wei Liu, Ching-fu Lin, 2018.02, “Culture-oriented Mode 4 under ChAFTA: Policy Considerations”, in Colin Picker et al. (eds) The China Australia Free Trade Agreement: A 21st-Century Model (Hart Publishing, 2018) Chapter 9, 127-146.

  12. Shin-yi Peng, 2016.10, “The Soft Law Approach to Regulatory Harmonization: Are We Trading Away Privacy for Economic Integration?”, in Julien Chaisse et al. (eds) "Liber Amicorum": Mitsuo Matsushita, A Critical Assessment of the International Economic Law and Governance (Oxford University Press, 2016) Chapter 20, 328-350.

  13. Shin-yi Peng, 2015.09, “Is the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) a Stepping Stone for the Next Version of GATS?”, in Won-mog Choi (eds) International Economic Law: Asia-Pacific Perspective (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015). Chapter 11, 322-351 (This chapter was originally published as an article by Sweet & Maxwell in Hong Kong Law Journal, Volume 43, Part 2, 2013, 611-632.)

  14. Shin-yi Peng, 2015.06, “Standards as a Means to Technological Leadership? -- China’s ICT Standards in the Context of the International Economic Order”, in Lisa Toohey et al. (eds) China In The International Economic Order: New Directions And Changing Paradigms (Cambridge University Press, 2015) Chapter 9, 128-150.

  15. Shin-yi Peng, 2015, 05, “Emergency Safeguard Measures for Trade in Services: A Case Study of Intra-Disciplinary Fragmentation”, in Chin L. Lim et al.(eds) International Economic Law after the Crisis: A Tale of Fragmented Disciplines (Cambridge University Press, 2015) Chapter 10, 237-262.

  16. 彭心儀、柯佳瑩,2015.05,〈論通訊傳播產業外資比例上限之「去管制」〉,收錄於:劉孔中主編,《通訊傳播法研究 (第一卷)》,新學林出版社,頁1-26。

  17. Shin-yi Peng, 2014.01, “Renegotiate the WTO “Schedules of Commitments”?--Technological Development and Treaty Interpretation”, in Bryan Mercurio et al. (eds) Science and Technology in International Economic Law: Balancing Competing Interests (Routledge Research in International Economic Law, 2013) Chapter 6, 90-114 (This Chapter was originally published as an article in Cornell International Law Journal,45(2), 2012, 403-430.)

  18. Shin-yi Peng, 2011.06, “Digitalization of Services, the GATS and the Protection of Personal Data”, in Reto M. Hilty et al. (eds) Communications (Liber amicorum for Prof. Dr. Rolf H. Weber) 753-769.

  19. 彭心儀、周慧蓮,2004.07,〈美國契約法下之消費者保護問題初探:以「不實表示法理」與「非良心法理」為主軸〉,收錄於《消費者保護法制論文集》,行政院消費者保護委員會,頁219-248。

  20. 彭心儀,2003.12,〈「第三代行動通信業務管理規則」總評—無線通信業者所面臨之問題與建議〉,收錄於《電信法制新紀元》,元照出版社,頁25-60。

  21. 彭心儀、簡維克,2003.12,〈數位匯流趨勢下之電信產業外資比例限制〉,收錄於《電信法制新紀元》,元照出版社,頁415-446。

  22. 彭心儀,2001.06,“Settling Disputes in a Multilateral Framework: The WTO Dispute Resolution Mechanism and Its Effect on Taiwan”,收錄於:楊光華主編,《台灣在WTO規範下之經貿新頁》,元照出版社,頁1-98。



  1. Jane Drake-Brockman, Ingo Borchert, Nigel Cory, Ziyang Fan, Christopher Findlay, Fukunari Kimura, Hildegunn Kyvik-Nordås, Magnus Lodefalk, Shin-Yi Peng, Hein Roelfsema, Yose Rizal Damuri, Sherry Stephenson, Tu Xinquan, Erik Van Der Marel, Mustafa Yagci, Policy Brief - Impact of Digital Technologies and the Fourth Industrial Revolution on Trade in Services, T20 Task Force 1: Trade, Investment and Growth.

  2. Shin-yi Peng, 2008, The Case and Bench Memorandum, 55 pages, Moot Court Competition on WTO Law, the European Law Students' Association (ELSA).



  1. Shin-yi Peng, 2023.08, Panelist, “Best Practices of International Digital Trade Agreements" (Seminar on Digital Economic Cooperation between Taiwan and New Zealand - Challenges and Opportunities, Office of Trade Negotiations, Executive Yuan, Taiwan (OTN) and New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office (NZCIO), New Zealand.)

  2. Shin-yi Peng, 2023.08, “Analyzing Regulatory Data for Services Trade and its Application in Research and Policy - Chinese Taipei’s Experiences” (Workshop on the Practical Application of the APEC Services Index in Research and Policy, APEC, Seattle, Washington, United States.)

  3. Shin-yi Peng, 2023. 07, “Trade Rules and Algorithmic Transparency” (Biennial Conference of the Standing Group on Regulatory Governance: Regulatory Governance in Times of Turbulence, Disruptive Technologies and Crises Of Trust, European Consortium for Political Research and University of Antwerp, Belgium.)

  4. Shin-yi Peng, 2022 12, Panelist, “Acceleration of Digital Transformation and Shaping of Global Digital Trade Rules” (2022 International Conference on Digital Trade, South Korea's Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy & Korea International Trade Association, Seoul, Korea.)

  5. Shin-yi Peng, 2022.06, “Regulating Online Platforms: Trade and Competition Policy for the Digital Economy” (virtual format) (Economic Committee and APEC Group on Services Stakeholder Roundtable: Services Competitiveness and Structural Reform, APEC).

  6. Shin-yi Peng, 2021.11, Panelist, "Digital Trade and Development" (virtual format) (Towards Inclusive Digital Trade: Data, Development and Trust, Georgetown Law).

  7. Shin-yi Peng, 2021.09, Panelist, "International Actors United for Innovation-Friendly International Instruments" (virtual format) (Facing Global Crises Together: Better International Rulemaking For Better Results, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD).

  8. Shin-yi Peng, 2021.03, "Digital Services Trade and the WTO" (Virtual Inception Workshop on Digital Services Trade, Asian Development Bank, ADB).

  9. Shin-yi Peng, 2021.01, “The Sharing Economy and Its Enemies: Regulatory Divergence, Cooperation and Sovereignty ” (Webinar) (Data Sovereignty along the Digital Silk Road, The Law and Technology Centre at the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law and the Institute for Technology Law & Policy of the Georgetown University Law Center.)(已修改並即將出版為專書論文)

  10. Shin-yi Peng, 2020.11, “Digital Inequality: How Should International Economic Law Respond?” (via Zoom) (The EJIL Symposium: Inequalities in International Law.)(已修改並即將刊載於期刊)

  11. Shin-yi Peng, 2020.11, Keynote Speaker, “Servicification: Implications for International Trade Governance”(via Zoom) (TIISA 2020 Annual Conference on Trade & Investment in Services.)

  12. 彭心儀、廖桂瑩,2020.10,〈 論「關鍵基礎設施」保護:內國管制及其與國際經貿規範之互動〉,《 清大科法二十研討會 》(清華大學科技法律研究所主辦)

  13. 彭心儀、余靜雯,2020.09,〈國際經濟法下之管制調和—從實證出發〉,《第二十屆國際經貿法學發展學術研討會》(政治大學國際經貿組織暨法律研究中心主辦)(已修改並收錄於專書)

  14. Shin-yi Peng, 2020.02, “One Measure, Two Regimes: Autonomous Vehicle Regulations as a Case Study on the Goods-Services Dichotomy under the WTO Law“ (via Zoom) (Biennial Conference on International Economic Law, American Society of International Law’s International Economic Law Interest Group, Miami, United States.)

  15. Shin-yi Peng, 2019.10, “Modernizing the TBT Agreement for the Age of AI: Autonomous Vehicle Standards as a Case Study” (Asian International Economic Law Network Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.)(已修改並出版為專書論文)

  16. Shin-yi Peng, 2019. 10, “The Servitization of Manufacturing: Rethinking the Characteristics-Based Approaches” (Seminar at the Leuven Center for Global Governance Studies, Leuven, Belgium.) (已修改並刊載於期刊)

  17. Shin-yi Peng, 2019. 06, Panelist, “Good Regulatory Practice? International Cooperation in Economic Regulation” (New Trends in Global Economic Regulation: In Search of Rule-Hegemony? G2 Annual Conference on WTO and Global Economic Regulation, Georgetown Law & The Graduate Institute, Geneva, Switzerland.)

  18. Shin-yi Peng, 2019.04, Panelist, “Tariffs, National Security and Unilateralism” (Tech, Trade and China: A Progress Report One Year into the Trade War, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology, Californian, United States.)

  19. Shin-yi Peng, 2019.01, “A New Trade Regime for the Servitization of Manufacturing” (Workshop on Paradise Lost or Found? The Post-WTO International “Legal” Order, University of Tokyo, Japan.) (已修改並刊載於期刊)

  20. Shin-yi Peng, 2018.08, “Innovation and Regulation: Further Disciplines on Services Trade?” (The AWRN-CIBEL Joint Conference, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.)(已修改並刊載於期刊)

  21. Shin-yi Peng, 2018.08, “Protecting Cybersecurity and Privacy in a Data-Driven Economy: Rethinking the Co-Regulation Mechanism” (Private Public Dialogue on Cross-Border E-Commerce in Services: The Transformation to Digitization; Addressing the Challenges and Reaping the Benefits for Regional Trade in Services, Joint Group on Services - Committee on Trade and Investment, APEC 2018, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.)

  22. Shin-yi Peng, 2018.07, “Regulating Digital Trade: Legal Challenges in the Age of IoT and Big Data” (The 6th Biennial Global Conference of the Society of International Economic Law, Washington D.C., United States.)

  23. Shin-yi Peng, 2018.07, Panelist, “The Rule of Law in Times of Technological Uncertainty: How Much Discretion Is Permissible under International Economic Law?” (G2 Conference on Resolving Disputes in International Economic Law, Georgetown’s Institute of International Economic Law and the Graduate Institute, Geneva’s Center for Trade and Economic Integration, Washington, D.C., United States.) (已修改並刊載於期刊)

  24. 彭心儀、邱祥霖,2017.12,〈多方利害關係人參與?以資訊安全為例論數位通訊傳播法草案下之網路治理模式〉,《2017「匯流、治理、通傳會」研討會」》(元智大學大數據與數位匯流創新中心主辦)(已修改並收錄於專書)

  25. Shin-yi Peng, 2017.12, “Digital Economy Policy: Identifying Challenges, Seeking Solutions” (Digital Trade in the Asia-Pacific, Singapore Management University School of Law, Singapore.)

  26. Shin-yi Peng, 2017.09, “Private Standards in the Context of International Economic Order: Cybersecurity Standards as a Case Study” (Global Public Goods, Global Commons and Fundamental Values: The Responses of International Law, European Society of International Law Annual Conference, Naples, Italy.)(已修改並刊載於期刊)

  27. Shin-yi Peng, 2017.07, “Regulatory Cooperation/Coherence and Services Trade” (via Skype) (Inaugural Research Workshop, Proposed TIISA Network, WTI & IIT, Bern, Switzerland.)

  28. Shin-yi Peng, 2016. 11, “Regulatory Coherence in the TPP: The Laws Governing Unsolicited Commercial Electronic Messages as a Case Study” (Workshop on Governing Science and Technology in the Mega-RTA Era: Regulatory Divergence and Convergence, Institute of Law for Science and Technology, National Tsing Hua University.)(已修改並出版為專書論文)

  29. 彭心儀、王辰丰,2016.10,〈維持電波秩序?--論電信射頻器材之管制架構〉,《第五屆兩岸通訊傳播法論壇:「『互連網+』時代的兩岸通訊傳播法」》(中央研究院法律學研究所主辦)

  30. Shin-yi Peng & Han-wei Liu, 2016.07, “The Legality of the Data Localization Requirements - The TPP and Beyond” (The 5th Biennial Global Conference of the Society of International Economic Law, Johannesburg, South Africa.)(已修改並刊載於期刊)

  31. Shin-yi Peng, Ching-fu Lin & Han-wei Liu, 2016.06, “From Kung Fu Panda to Kung Fu Koala? Cultural-oriented Mode 4 under ChAFTA” (Conference on the ChAFTA: One Year after its Signing, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.)(已修改並出版為專書論文)

  32. Shin-yi Peng, 2015.07, “The Soft Law Approach to Regulatory Harmonization: Are We Trading Away Privacy for Economic Integration?” (Joint Asian International Economic Law Conference, Bali, Indonesia.) (已修改並出版為專書論文)

  33. Shin-yi Peng, 2015.07 , “GATS and the Over-the-Top (OTT) Services: A Legal Outlook” (WTO at 20: Multilateral Trading System, Dispute Settlement and Developing Countries, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.) (已修改並刊載於期刊)

  34. Shin-yi Peng, 2014.07, “Cybersecurity Threats and the WTO National Security Exceptions” (The Fourth Biennial Global Conference of the Society of International Economic Law, Bern, Switzerland.) (已修改並刊載於期刊)

  35. Shin-yi Peng, 2013.07, “Is the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) a Stepping Stone for the Next Version of GATS?” (Asian International Economic Law Network Conference, Seoul, Korea.) (已修改並刊載於期刊且收錄於專書)

  36. Shin-yi Peng, 2012.08, “Technological Independence?—China’s Standards Strategy in the Context of the International Economic Order” (via Skype) (Workshop on Law and Regulation Beyond the WTO: China’s Role in the International Economic Order, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.) (已修改並出版為專書論文)

  37. Shin-yi Peng, 2012.07, “Trade Rules for “Electronic Commerce”?--Challenges Ahead” (The Third Biennial Global Conference of the Society of International Economic Law, Singapore.)(已修改並刊載於期刊)

  38. Shin-yi Peng, 2012.03, “Further Liberalization of Telecommunications Services: GATS-Plus and Plurilateral Approaches” (The 2nd CFRED Trade Colloquium, Centre for Financial Regulation and Economic Development, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.)

  39. Shin-yi Peng, 2011.11, “Regulating Technologies through Judicial Activism?—An Empirical Analysis of the WTO Dispute Settlement Cases” (The 2011 ILST Conference on Innovation, Competition and Regulation, Institute of Law for Science and Technology, National Tsing Hua University.) (已修改並刊載於期刊)

  40. Shin-yi Peng, 2011.07, “Emergency Safeguard Measures for Trade in Services—Looking for Simpler Ways” (Asian International Economic Law Network Conference, Hong Kong.) (已修改並出版為專書論文)

  41. 彭心儀,2010.11,〈由對通訊傳播匯流立法之十年觀察談行動電視釋照〉,《清華科法十年研討會》(國立清華大學科技法律研究所主辦)

  42. Shin-yi Peng, 2010.07, “Renegotiate the WTO Commitments? -Technological Change and Treaty Interpretation” (The Society of International Economic Law's 2010 Conference, Barcelona, Spain.) (已修改並刊載於期刊且收錄於專書)

  43. 彭心儀,2010.03,〈科技匯流與條約解釋—探討「服務業特定承諾」的時代性兼評中國視聽服務案〉,《第十屆國際經貿法學發展學術研討會》(政治大學國際經貿組織暨法律研究中心主辦)(已修改並刊載於期刊)

  44. Shin-yi Peng, 2009.12, “Taxing Innovation?—The Evolving Coverage of the Information Technology Agreement” (The 2009 ILST Conference on Innovation, Competition and Regulation, Institute of Law for Science and Technology, National Tsing Hua University.) (已修改並刊載於期刊)

  45. 彭心儀,2009.11,〈論無線通訊基地臺之資訊公開—兼評英國行政法院Sitefinder案判決〉,《「科技創新之法律應對與法學教育革新」研討會》,(中國北京)清華大學法學院、(臺灣新竹)國立清華大學科技法律研究所共同主辦)(已修改並刊載於期刊)

  46. Shin-yi Peng, 2009.10, “The Digitalization of the Services and Personal Data Protection under the GATS” (Conference on Changing Futures: Science and International Law, European Society of International Law & American Society of International Law, Helsinki, Finland.) (已修改並出版為專書論文)

  47. Shin-yi Peng, 2009.07, “Comments on the US-China Trade Dispute on Audiovisual Entertainment Products” (Conference on Communication, Creativity and Global Citizenship, Australian and New Zealand Communication Association, Brisbane, Australia.)

  48. 彭心儀,2009.03,〈論服務貿易之『原產地規則』〉,《第九屆國際經貿法學發展學術研討會》(政治大學國際經貿組織暨法律研究中心主辦)。(已修改並刊載於期刊)

  49. 彭心儀,2008.11,〈論頻譜「稀有資源」的管制原則〉,《通訊法制研討會--科技、法理與管制》(臺灣大學科際整合法律學研究所、清華大學科技法律研究所共同主辦)。(已修改並刊載於期刊)

  50. Shin-yi Peng, 2008.11, “Unfinished Business: WiMAX Licensing in Taiwan” (The 2008 ILST Conference on Innovation, Competition and Regulation, Institute of Law for Science and Technology, National Tsing Hua University.)

  51. Shin-yi Peng, 2008.10, “Wireless Communications Towers and Public Health: Legal Perspectives” (2008 International Conference on Health, Law and Society Issues in Wireless Communication Technology, Center for Ethics, Law and Society in Biomedicine and Technology, National Taiwan University.) (已修改並刊載於期刊)

  52. Shin-yi Peng, 2008.09, “Current Regime for Temporary Movement of Service Suppliers in East Asia: Taiwan’s Experience” (WTO Symposium, Mode 4 of the GATS –Taking Stock and Moving Forward, Trade in Services Division, World Trade Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.)

  53. Shin-yi Peng, 2008.07, “Quantification of WTO Services Trade: Rethinking the GATS’ Negotiating Modality, Scheduling Technology and Legal Imprecision” (Society of International Economic Law’s Inaugural Conference, Geneva, Switzerland.)

  54. 彭心儀,2008.06,〈論GATS架構下之國內管制全球治理:由「中國金融資訊服務爭端案」談起〉,《2008年財經法新趨勢研討會》(政治大學法學院財經法研究中心主辦)

  55. Shin-yi Peng, 2008.03, “Judicial Activism and Restraint at the WTO; Rethinking the Criteria for Assessment,” (Some Key Challenges to the Multilateral Trading System, WTO Research Center, College of Law, National Taiwan University.)(已修改並刊載於期刊)

  56. Shin-yi Peng, 2007.07, “Cultural Autonomy and Trade Liberalization” (International Conference on Law and Society in the 21st Century, Joint Annual Meetings of the Law and Society Association and Research Committee on Sociology of Law, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.) (已修改並刊載於期刊)

  57. Shin-yi Peng, 2007.06, “Trade in TV and TV-like Services: Cultural Policy Considerations” (International Conference on Culture Diversity under International Trade Regime: Policy and Practices, held by the WTO Center of National Taiwan University.) (已修改並刊載於期刊)

  58. Shin-yi Peng, 2007.03, “How Much Time is Reasonable? -- The Arbitral Decisions under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU” (International Conference on Policy and Laws of Asia and WTO Rules and Practices of Dispute Settlement Mechanism, held by the WTO Center of National Taiwan University.) (已修改並刊載於期刊)

  59. Shin-yi Peng, 2006.07, “Multilateral Disciplines on Service Procurement: Architectural Challenges under GATS” (The Second International Conference on Policies and Laws of Asia and WTO: Rules, Practices and Policies of Government Procurement, held by the WTO Center of National Taiwan University.) (已修改並刊載於期刊)

  60. Shin-yi Peng, 2006.02, “Trade in Telecommunications Services: Doha & Beyond” (Fourth International Conference on Globalization and Sectoral Development, held by Academy of International Business, New Delhi, India.) (已修改並刊載於期刊)

  61. Shin-yi Peng, 2005. 07, “Movement of Natural Persons in the Provision of Services: Challenges and Opportunities in Asia” (Policy and Law Aspects of Asia and WTO: Challenges and Opportunities, held by WTO Research Center, College of Law, National Taiwan University.) (已修改並刊載於期刊)

  62. Shin-yi Peng* & Benjamin Li, 2005. 06, “Liberalization of China's Legal Services after its WTO Accession: From Taiwan's Perspective” (International Conference on Industrial Organization, Law& Economics, held by Athens Institute for Education and Research, Greece.) (已修改並刊載於期刊)

  63. 彭心儀,2005.03,〈由美國禁止網路賭博爭端案論服務貿易市場開放及國民待遇之規範解釋與體系建構〉,《第五屆國際經貿法學發展學術研討會》(政治大學國際經貿組織暨法律研究中心主辦)。(已修改並刊載於期刊)

  64. 彭心儀,2004.03,〈論WTO爭端解決程序下之「法庭之友」介入問題〉,《第四屆國際經貿法學發展學術研討會》(政治大學國際經貿組織暨法律研究中心主辦)。(已修改並刊載於期刊)

  65. 彭心儀、于昭平,2003.11,〈論我國寬頻基礎建設之推展:以「最後一哩」為核心之法制檢視〉,《通信法律環境系列研討會》(清華大學科技法律研究所主辦)。

  66. 彭心儀、宋皇志,2003.10,〈以裁量行政履行WTO/TRIPS義務之問題研究〉,《兩岸青年學者論壇研討會》(中正大學法律系主辦)。(已修改並刊載於期刊)

  67. Shin-yi Peng, 2003.09,“The Legal Scheme for Bridging Digital Divide” (Digital Convergence and Regulatory Regime, 2003 Taipei Science & Technology Law Forum, held by Ministry of Economic Affairs. Taiwan.)

  68. 彭心儀,2003.04,〈WTO之GATS協定與資訊通信科技:視聽服務貿易自由化下之文化政策爭議〉,《WTO、科技與環境研討會》(台灣大學法學院WTO研究中心主辦)。(已修改並刊載於期刊)

  69. 彭心儀,2003.03,〈由「E化」到「M化」:論行動通信加值服務所衍生之新興法律問題〉,《科技法律研討會》(東吳大學法學院主辦)。(已修改並刊載於期刊)

  70. Charles R. Irish & Shin-yi Peng, 2002.10, "The Personalities and Policies Affecting US Trade with East and Southeast Asia" (Asia Pacific Economics and Business Conference, “The Impact of Global Competitive Environment on Asian Economics, Business and Society,” held by University Putra Malaysia.) (已修改並刊載於期刊)

  71. Shin-yi Peng, 2002.06, “The Role of Law in the Making of the Inequality in the Information Age: From a Chinese Perspective” (Session: Technology, Globalization, and the Reach of Law, Annual Meeting Conference: Joint Meetings of the Law and Society Association and the Canadian Law and Society Association. Vancouver, Canada.)(已修改並刊載於期刊)

  72. Shin-yi Peng, 2002.05, “Privacy and the Construction of Legal Meaning: Technology, Legal Consciousness, and Invasion of Privacy” (Pre-Conference Symposium on The Reach of Law in the Pacific Rim, held by the Law and Society Association. Vancouver, Canada.) (已修改並刊載於期刊)

  73. 張維安、彭心儀、于昭平,2002.05,〈網域名稱「中文化」問題初探:科技、社會、與法律之三邊對話〉,《網路與社會研討會》,(清華大學社會學研究所主辦)。(已於「清華大學網路社會研究中心」線上出版)

  74. 彭心儀,2002.05,〈「第三代行動通信業務管理規則」總評—無線通信業者所面臨之問題與建議〉,《我國為因應電信、資訊、及傳播跨業整合所應建構之監管機制研討會》(清華大學科技法律研究所主辦)。(已修改並出版為專書論文)

  75. 彭心儀,2001.09,〈以法律機制減距數位落差之迷思:檢視電信法制下之普及服務規範與數位環境之著作權保護擴大趨勢〉,《網路與社會研討會》,(清華大學社會學研究所主辦)。(已修改並刊載於期刊)

  76. 彭心儀,2001.04,“Settling Disputes in a Multilateral Framework: The WTO Dispute Resolution Mechanism and Its Effect on Taiwan”《第一屆國際經貿法學發展學術研討會》,(政治大學國際經貿組織暨法律研究中心主辦)。(已修改並出版為專書論文)

  77. 彭心儀,2001.03,〈論我國電信法制下之外資比例限制〉,《3G時代應有之通信法律環境研討會》(清華大學科技法律研究所主辦)。(已修改並出版為專書論文)